June 20, 2013

REVIEW: Falling for Hadie by Komal Kant

Falling for Hadie by Komal Kant (With Me #2)
Publication Date: March 7, 2013
Source: Kindle ebook from author
Rating: 5/5 stars
Get it: Amazon
“Sometimes there is a single moment that changes your life forever.”

Hadie Swinton is giving up on boys.

After a disastrous relationship, she is convinced that all males are the same—arrogant, self-assured, and complete jerks.

Lincoln Bracks is giving up on his old life.

After moving to a new town to escape the problems plaguing him, he is set against ever getting close to anyone again.

When Hadie and Lincoln’s worlds collide, their intrigue for one another leads them to open up to each other against their better judgment. Despite the attraction that is pulling them together, insecurities, secrets, and shattered hopes stand in the way of them ever being together.

At a time when darkness consumes their lives, Hadie and Lincoln learn that hope and love can still be found in the most unlikely place.

My Review
Falling For Hadie by Komal Kant was a book that took me by surprise in the best possible way. I had the best and hardest time reading the book. Falling For Hadie made me smile, it made me laugh, and it made me cry fat, ugly, sobbing tears that left me gasping for air. This book hurt so bad it was so freaking good.

Hadie was tough, had a backbone and was one character that showed great resilience throughout the book. Even in the beginning when Hadie was hurt by someone she really cared about, she never let it bring her down or let it change who she really was. She was smart, capable, and had a feisty attitude when she was angry. I liked Hadie because she didn’t care about popularity or being at the top of the high school hierarchy. She she was a book nerd, but she has class and was respectful and able to stand up when needed. She never stooped down to the level of those who were bullies to others. Hadie was just herself: kind, gentle, and loving. She was just a genuinely nice person who was real through and through. I especially loved her strength, the change in which she went through, and the innate ability for her to be so damn kindhearted. But I loved Hadie most for going after Lincoln, for loving him, for standing by him and for never ever giving up on him.

What I can I say about Lincoln? It would be an understatement to say that Lincoln was an insanely amazing character, but he was definitely my favorite. He used to be football jock, the heartbreaker, the bully and the most popular guy you’d love to get your hands on. He went through so much pain and anguish and lived with a selfish family that didn't seem to care about him at all. Lincoln was just charming and friendly. He realized there was more to life. He saw the beauty in everything and he cared for Hadie. Lincoln was just the most generous, most big hearted guy, ever. There was so much compassion in him and a greatness that I can never ever do justice for. This loving boy broke my heart in a million painful ways and I loved him for everything he was and everything he wasn’t and because even in his resentment, he loved wholeheartedly

Komal Kant really put a number on me. I opened this book and enjoyed it more than I could say from the very beginning. It was quirky and fun. It had a very laid back feeling to it and was so easy to read. I devoured this baby so fast I think that’s why it hit me so hard. Kant knew how to take my heart and shatter it and she did it so painfully well, I would go on my hands and knees begging for it to be different. Falling for Hadie was so gripping, so damn emotional, I could not help but leave with a very heavy heart. It was written with such simplicity and beauty. I loved how smoothly it flowed, how authentic the character’s voices were, and how I had difficultly parting with the book at any point in time. I’m not sure if it was Kant’s writing or the whole story itself, but Falling for Hadie had that addictive quality I couldn’t shake off. 

Overall Falling for Hadie was a fantastic book about love, heartbreak, and hope. Kant created a romance that was thoughtful, encouraging, and oh so true. 

*Thanks to Komal Kant for sending a copy for review purposes
I was not compensated for my opinion

Favorite Quotes
“But life wasn’t meant to be easy. The difficult things we go through are the things that make us stronger.” 

“Nothing lasted forever. One day, everything had to come to an end.” 

“You should never regret the things that make you happy.”


  1. Hey, Jessirae! *Waves* Sorry it's been such a long time.

    "Falling For Hadie made me smile, it made me laugh, and it made me cry fat, ugly, sobbing tears that left me gasping for air. This book hurt so bad it was so freaking good." YESSSSS the best type of book.

    "Even in the beginning when Hadie was hurt by someone she really cared about, she never let it bring her down or let it change who she really was. She was smart, capable, and had a feisty attitude when she was angry." Always a plus. And she went after Lincoln, not the other way around? Huzzah!!

    Sounds like Lincoln is quite the swoon-worthy romantic interest ;).

  2. You definitely sold me on this book Jessirae! Adding to the TBR NOW! LOL! Great review!


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